Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Planning my Funeral

Preparing for my Israeli adventure has kind of felt like planning my own funeral, and suprisingly, it is a lot more fun than you would think. I went to the bank today to get my accounts all in order for my "departure", talked to the Verizon people about ending my service, and I have been sorting through my possessions to figure out what few things I can bring. Doesn't it sound like I am dying? Don't worry, I don't plan on doing that any time soon.
But just to be on the safe side, if something...tragic...were to happen, here are my requests:
1. A slideshow with pictures of me
2. A Mikaelimony meeting. Everyone tells their favorite Mikael moments (this could either be really short or really long)
3. Potato casserole and Dr. Pepper will be served at the funeral dinner
4. I already promised my roommate Andi my turquoise, but I would like to be buried in some of it. And a really cute pair of shoes too. Don't cover those up. And my New Mexican blanket! I cannot go on a trip without it.
5. A couple bags of ice would be helpful. I figure if I sell some ice water where I am going, they might kick me out


Rebecca Robison said...

ha ha ha! LOVED IT! LOVED IT!

Megan said...

Mikael-I was sitting here with my mom and we were reading your blog and it was cracking us up! I hope you have fun in Jerusalem, I heard it was awesome. Have fun!
-Megan King