Monday, October 6, 2008

The vacation feeling is gone

I don't know why it hit me today, but I am sick of all these people. Okay, not all of them, but pretty close. And if any of my fellow students are reading this, I am sorry, but I am sure you are sick of my face too. Maybe it was the fact that we had an all day field trip again today, and the thought of spending one more minute on a bus was too much, but I was feeling especially anti- social. Luckily one of the nicest, and hardest people to ever hate, sat next to me on the bus. The first few stops on the field trip were to places I can't even remember the names of. I guess I should learn them because I know my Old Testament teacher will quiz me on them on Thursday. I know this is terrible, but I am really liking the Old Testament less each day. It is so wierd. After a few stops to places that are briefly mentioned in the Bible and have no significant meaning, we finally stopped for lunch. You probably guessed it, but after lunch I was feeling much happier! After lunch, we went to some caves and climbed around for a while. It was a blast! The boys were having to help pull the girls up a tiny wall. Being the Webb girl I am, I didn't want help. But I allowed them to do their manly duties and give me their hands at the top. When you get to the top f the wall, you have to scoot out backward through the "birth canal". You seriously have to put your arm above your head and scoot with your feet to get through. It was a blast! We all came out caked in dirt, but happy as ever. After playing in the caves, we finally went to a location I knew has some significance... The Valley of Elah, where David slew Goliath. We practiced chucking rocks with sling shots, and I have come to the conclusion throwing them is much easier. I loaded my pockets full of rocks to bring home to Dad (his one request) and then made our way to the top of a near by mountain to look down at the valley. The field trip ended up being great. We got home just in time to eat quickly, load up into taxis, and go to some of the local branch members homes for FHE. We don't know Jeusalem outside of the Old City very well, and I guess our taxi driver didn't either. He dropped us off at the wrong place and then took off. The member ended up having to come find us and pick us up. When he pulled up in his big Yukon with XM radio playing, I could have cried I was so happy to see something that felt like home. The family that had us over for FHE is from Arizona, but the father works for the Department of State. His wife is hispanic, and for dessert she made us homemade chips( she actually made the chips) and salsa. Praise Heaven Above! I have been CRAVING chips and salsa for weeks. I could have kissed them I was so happy. They had two bright little boys who stayed up and played games with us. Going to their house really was a blessing. All day I kept thinking about how much I missed just being around kids. I spend my days at school in Idaho studying about kids, and when I am at home I get to love on the nieces and nephews, so it is hard to not have any contact with kids for this long. Just being able to sit on the floor with the boys and have them be on my team for the game made my day. Even grumpy days are good ones in the Holy Land

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