Monday, September 29, 2008

Back from Egypt!

I am not sure how I am going to format all the adventures I had in Egypt, but I have a feeling it will be a bunch of new posts so the pictures can coincide with the days. I want to get as much as I can on here as soon as I can so all my thoughts and feelings are fresh. Egypt was a blast and it still is hard to believe I was able to see all the things I saw. It feels like I have become a marathon traveler and I don't know how our professors do it! They have every minute of everyday plan, and they know how to direct our herd of 80 students better than should be humanly possible. I loved this trip for so many reasons, but I think one of the greatest things to come from it were the fullfilling of dreams, and the bonding that happened between all of the students. I am continually amazed at the caliber of people I am surroundfed by and have felt inadequate at times to be lumped into a group with them. There are so many intelligent, kind, and down right fun people here. Each minute of everyday is filled with a new adventure. Let me share my adventure of Egypt with you.

P.S. DISCLAIMER: You will see a fanny pack in many of my pictures. They are standard issue. Don't make fun. It is actually a lot more useful than you would think. ha ha! I love looking like an absolute dork and the fanny packs we all wear only help out the image!

1 comment:

Chanel said...

I can't wait to hear all about it! You thought you were a world class traveler before, but now you really are- all due to the use of a fanny pack!